Frequenty Asked Questions

Choosing a ticket priority

Query - Quick, non-essential question for us? Use the Query priority and we'll answer your question with 2-3 days.

Low - This priority is for non-essential tasks that can be taken care of within the next 72 hours.

Medium - Most tickets will fall into this category. Medium and lower priority tickets are typically only worked on during business hours.

High - Use this priority level if a single key user is unable to work or perform critical tasks. We will triage the event and try to get a workaround in place while the main issue is resolved. After hours charges will apply if work is required outside of business hours.

Urgent - This priority indicates that a major outage has occurred and the entire business has come to a complete halt. Examples would include a server has crashed and won't come back online, or the Internet connection has gone down, and no immediate workaround is available. Tickets set with an Urgent priority 1) automatically authorize after hours work, 2) include our 4 hour response guarantee and 3) require that the client is available 24x7 to assist, including going onsite if needed.

A good indicator on whether an issue is urgent or not would be to ask if you're willing to go onsite at midnight to help us fix the issue. If the answer is no, it's most likely not an URGENT issue!

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